The Significance of Incoterms
If you expand overseas, you must navigate a complex web of laws and regulations to get started. One important area to understand is international trade terms, known as Incoterms. These terms define the responsibilities and obligations of buyers and sellers in international transactions. Incoterms determine who bears the risk and costs of...
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Construction Defect in ISDS
Construction defects can pose significant risks to international construction projects, leading to financial losses, delays, and safety concerns. When construction defects lead to legal disputes, foreign investors may seek redress through investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanisms and hold the Host Government accountable. ISDS (Primer on International Investment Treaties and Investor-State Dispute...
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International Arbitration: State Responsibility
International arbitration is a complex process involving multiple parties. It is essential that each party understands their role and responsibilities in the process. One key concept to grasp when it comes to international arbitration is state responsibility. This article will explore what state responsibility is and why it matters for international arbitration.
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