a sleek, modern conference room with a large round table, equipped for an international meeting.

ICSID Procedure: How to File for Arbitration without the fear of getting rejected

Comprehensive Guide to ICSID Procedures and Rules: Article-by-Article Analysis

Navigating the intricacies of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) can be a daunting task for investors and legal practitioners alike.

Established under the aegis of the World Bank Group, ICSID...

ICSID Procedure: How to File for Arbitration without the fear of getting rejected Continue reading…
two attorneys stand before an arbitration panel, discussing a complex international investment case.

Bifurcation of the proceeding in Investor State Dispute Settlement

Exploring Bifurcation in Investor-State Dispute Settlement Proceedings

In the labyrinthine world of international investment disputes, the concept of arbitration stands out as a critical procedural tool, shaping the landscape of Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) and international investment agreement proceedings.

By splitting a case...

Bifurcation of the proceeding in Investor State Dispute Settlement Continue reading…
two professionals shake hands across a table with legal documents and a gavel nearby in dispute resolution.

Arbitration Clause in contract

Unlocking the Power of Arbitration: A Comprehensive Guide to ADR in Contractual Agreements

In the realm of contractual agreements, the landscape is punctuated by disputes that demand resolution with minimal disruption and maximal fairness.

Arbitration, a cornerstone of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), emerges...

Arbitration Clause in contract Continue reading…
two professionals sit across from each other at a minimalist conference table, engaged in a focused discussion with a thick legal book open between them.

What is ad hoc arbitration?

Understanding Ad Hoc Arbitration: A Comprehensive Guide

Navigating the complexities of dispute resolution necessitates a grasp of ad hoc arbitration, an alternative to courtroom drama that offers parties control and flexibility.

Unlike institutional arbitration, ad hoc arbitration permits the disputing parties to tailor...

What is ad hoc arbitration? Continue reading…