Alessandro Di Paola

Attorney, Frasca-Di Paola Law Firm, Rome, Italy

Mr. Alessandro Di Paola our partner in Rome, Italy, is Co-owner of Frasca-Di Paola Law Firm, focusing on civil disputes and foreign citizen disputes.  

Mr. Di Paola is a certified court interpreter and translators by the Court of Rome – Civil Law Department as he speaks several languages. He successfully completed the two-year course in military criminal law and proceedings at the Military Court of Rome. He is member of the commission for Military Criminal Law at the Roman Bar Council and registered with the Court of Rome in the list of curators of the estate in abeyance.

  • Roma Tre University, Master’s degree in law
  • Sapienza University of Rome, Second-level postgraduate in European private law “cum laude”
  • “Documentation for international transport – Justice of the Peace of Poggio Mirteto 19th October 2017 – case note”, Rivista giuridica della circolazione e dei trasporti 1/2018;
  •  “Sale of drugs, comment on ordinance no. 42731/2019 of the Supreme Court”, Foro Romano 6/2019;
  • “Brief reflection on the right to an interpreter following a failure to recognize a sentence in another member state (Czech Republic)”, Foro Romano 1/2021;
  • “Comment on Judicial decision no. 131/2022 of the Constitutional court about the “double surname “, Foro Romano 4/2022;
  • “Historical introduction to the military criminal jurisdiction of the Czech Republic”, Temi Romana 4/2022;
  • “Bilingualism–what is bilingualism?” published in the book “Soulmates. Testimonials on the value of bilingualism”, 2023;
  • “Right to the interpreter – critical profiles”, published in the book “Czech and Italian legal system: the role of the translator. Speeches at the international seminar on translation”, 2023;
  • “Pinto law. Comment on Judicial decision no. 35677/2022 of the Supreme Court”, Foro Romano 1/2023;
  • “Comment on Judicial decision no. 35028/2022 of the Supreme Court”, Foro Romano 1/2023.
  • Italian – native
  • Czech – native
  • English – fluent
  • German – intermediate
  • Russian – intermediate
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